Towards Nato meeting in Vilnius: Russia: US involvement in the conflict in Ukraine

by Riccardo Cacelli
London – While the US President, Joe Biden, is in London awaiting the NATO summit in Vilnius, it is right to recall the note written by the Russian Foreign Ministry in recent days.

Written note, according to Russians, in connection with the numerous cases of direct participation of US citizens, including retired and active military personnel, in fighting as part of regime-controlled formations in #Kiev on September 15, 2022 and February 21, 2023 at Notes of protest were handed over to the #US Embassy in Moscow.

In summary, the note says:

– The mass of publicly accessible data and information available to Russia suggests that the US has deliberately sought to unleash a proxy war and is siding with one party in the conflict with a view to achieving its central goal of inflicting a “strategic defeat” on Russia. In this “division of labour”, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev regularly provides cannon fodder in exchange for:
unprecedented financial injections, some of which goes to line the pockets of Vladimir Zelensky and his entourage, supplies of arms and equipment, including high-tech combat hardware, supplies of full range of intelligence information by the Pentagon and NATO structures, direct commanding of operations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In general, since February 24, 2022, the Biden administration has provided Kiev with more than $40 billion in military technical assistance, US instructors have trained 13,600 Ukrainian servicemen.

Washington and its allies widely use space and aerial reconnaissance assets to provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with information about the Russian Armed Forces. The orbital constellation includes about 450 satellites.

In addition to space systems, reconnaissance aircraft and UAVs, which perform daily flights from air bases in Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania and Türkiye, are widely used to monitor the situation.
At present, there are three American private military companies in the theater of hostilities: the Mozart Group, the Sons of Liberty and Academi. According to leaks in the media, the US Special Operations Command supervises the work of the centers of information and psychological operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In turn, the Pentagon’s Cyber Command and the National Security Agency are planning and coordinating cyberattacks under the Ukrainian flag at Russia’s critical information infrastructure.

The prelude to a declaration of war appears.

Read the note in full

Also in recent days Tobias Ellwood, Chair of the Defense Select Committee, retired lieutenant colonel said: We are now at war in Europe, we need to move to a war footing, we are involved in that, we mobilize our procurement processes, we are giftin equipment we need to face Russia directly and recommend rather than leaving Ukraine “to do all the work“.

With these assumptions, the meeting in Vilnius is extremely important.
The decision taken by NATO leaders will be decisive for the European countries and for the whole world.
We look forward to the report.
Our future and that of our children and grandchildren is in their hands, or rather in their heads.
Will they be able to make the best use of it?

Riccardo Cacelli

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