Software ha spiato centinaia italiani, è Made in Italy

ILLUSTRATION - A person sits in front of a computer screen in Moers, Germany, 04 January 2019 (reissued 19 Jauary 2019). Media reports on 17 January 2019 state that a record with numerous stolen user data has been published on the Internet. The collection named Collection #1 contained almost 773 million different email addresses, more than 21 million different passwords and more than a billion combinations of credentials, according to a Australian IT security expert. Internet users shall be affected worldwide. EPA/SASCHA STEINBACH

Centinaia di italiani infettati da uno spyware – software che raccoglie informazioni – sviluppato da un’azienda italiana, distribuito sui dispositivi Android e capace di bypassare i filtri di sicurezza Google.

Articolo precedenteCgia: pressione fiscale in salita nel 2019, verso il 43%
Prossimo articoloZingaretti al governo: “Non date armi, date lavoro”

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