Governo: 343 sì, 263 no e 3 astenuti, c’è la fiducia a Conte

Italian premier Giuseppe Conte (L- UP), flanked by Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio (C) and Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini (R), shakes hand to the Minister for Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia (R-DOWN) during his address to the Lower House ahead of a confidence vote, in Rome, Italy, 09 September 2019. Conte presented on the day his new government's programme in the Lower House ahead of the first of two confidence votes that the executive is set to face in parliament. His new government is a coalition between the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the center-left Democratic Party (PD). ANSA/ANGELO CARCONI

“Sono soddisfatto del risultato”. Così il premier Giuseppe Conte, lasciando Montecitorio, commenta con i cronisti il voto di fiducia dell’Aula.

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