Germania, maestra contagiata

epa08254521 Workers prepare to spray disinfectant in an attempt to tackle the spread of the novel coronavirus, at Gwanghwamun station, line 5, in Seoul, South Korea, 28 February 2020. According to the Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), 13 people in South Korea have died from COVID-19 disease with the nation's total infections surpassing 2,000 cases. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

Quattro bambini che frequentavano l’asilo dove insegna la maestra tedesca contagiata nei giorni scorsi sono risultati positivi ai test.

Articolo precedenteLa Grecia respinge i profughi
Prossimo articoloQuali cure si stanno testando per contrastare il coronavirus

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