epa08137540 Kids from Tungai Manyatta village which was also invaded by desert locust are silhouetted after an invasion in Shaba National Reserve in Isiolo, northern Kenya, 16 January 2020 (issued XX January 2020). Large swarms of desert locusts have been invading northern Kenya for weeks, after having infested some 70,000 hectares of land in Somalia which the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has termed the 'worst situation in 25 years' in the Horn of Africa. FAO cautioned on 13 January 2020 that it poses an 'unprecedented threat' to food security and livelihoods in the region. The government is spraying pesticide in the affected areas to battle the insects. EPA/Daniel Irungu
Il mondo rischia carestie diffuse “di proporzioni bibliche” a causa dalla pandemia di coronavirus. E’ l’allarme lanciato dall’Onu.