Grecia: ucciso giornalista ad Atene

epa09124426 Police officers cordon the area outside the home of Greek journalist Giorgos Karaivaz after he was murdered in Alimos, on the southern coast of Attica, Greece, 09 April 2021. Witnesses reported two men on a motorbike, possibly a scooter, outside his home, fired multiple shots at the victim with a handgun, inflicting fatal injuries. The culprits then took off in an unknown direction. Police are now conducting an investigation and the area has been cordoned off. According to a police source, the journalist had not reported any threats against him nor asked for police protection. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU

Un giornalista specializzato in inchieste criminali è stato ucciso ad Atene davanti alla sua casa. Lo riferisce la polizia greca.

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