Category: UAM Mobilita' Aerea Urbana Avanzata

Un viaggio alla scoperta delle eccellenze italiane con obiettivo sulle attività aerospaziali

by Riccardo Cacelli Londra - Quello di cui scrivo stamattina e' la storia di un successo tutto italiano, che nasce e si sviluppa nel sud, ovvero in Puglia. E' la storia del Distretto Tecnologico...

ESA BIC Brindisi, il primo incubatore per startup spaziali del Mezzogiorno

Londra - Ad ottobre partirà la selezione per partecipare a ESA BIC Brindisi, il primo e unico incubatore di startup nel Sud Italia facente parte della rete degli ESA Business Incubation Centers....

Uam, UrbanV is ready to launch air mobility

by Riccardo Cacelli London - UrbanV (Advanced Air Mobility - AAM) company to partner with AWS to develop city-wide infrastructure for electrically powered flying taxis, with first flights expected in Rome by 2025. UrbanV...

Eve Air Mobility (Embraer) announced the site of its first eVTOL manufacturing

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Eve Air Mobility, the urban air mobility (UAM) subsidiary of aerospace titan Embraer, last week announced the site of its first eVTOL manufacturing facility. Located in the Brazilian...

The vertiports market is estimated to be USD 0.4 billion in 2023 to USD 10.7 billion by 2030

by Riccardo Cacelli London - The vertiports market is estimated to be USD 0.4 billion in 2023 to USD 10.7 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 62.1% from 2023 to 2030 according...

UK’s Vertical Aerospace eVTOL makes first flight

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Bristol based Vertical Aerospace has given its fully electric five-seat VX4 its maiden flight!. The flight took place at Cotswold Airport. The team said, “Our full-scale electric aircraft...

Urban Air Mobility Market Reach to USD 9.61 Billion by 2030

by Riccardo Cacelli London - According to a recent analysis of Emergen Research the urban air mobility market size reached USD 3.10 Billion in 2021 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR...

Vertical Aerospace; ‘We thought we’d be flying in a few years’

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Stephen Fitzpatrick, the founder of the British eVTOL startup Vertical Aerospace, had been invited to speak at the event on “Revolutionising Urban Air Mobility and electrifying air travel,”...
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