Category: New Order Multipolar
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - The G77 summit which took place last week in the Cuban capital is a historic summit.
The 134 countries members and China, representing 80% of the world population, met...
G20 and Belt and Road on the agenda for the future of Italy and Italians
London - by Riccardo Cacelli
In a few days (9 and 10 September) the G20 leaders' summit will be held in New Delhi.
In a recent interview with Moneycontrol, Indian President Modi said: “Every...
Analisi del documento finale scritto dai Paesi Brics in occasione del loro XV Summit in Sud Africa
di Riccardo Cacelli
City of London – La morte del capo della Wagner avvenuta il 24 agosto scorso ha occupato le prime pagine dei giornali italiani a discapito dell’analisi, secondo me importantissima, riguardante...
Analysis of BRICS countries’ 2023 summit
by Riccardo Cacelli
City of London - The annual summit of the BRICS countries ended yesterday in South Africa. We analyze the decisions taken, the strategic directions and the geopolitical future in relation...
Brics to admit six new countries
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - At the summit BRICS2023 the five Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have announced the admission of six new countries from next year as the...
by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Nei giorni scorsi a Gorno-Altajsk, capitale della piccola Repubblica Russa dell’Altaj (nel cuore dell'Asia a sud della Siberia) si e’ svolto un importante Forum euroasiatico dei giovani diplomatici.Il...
SCO, Heads of State Council Meeting
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - Yesterday, India chaired a meeting (final event of India's SCO presidency in 2022-2023) of the heads of state of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) via video conference.
The meeting...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - I'm pleased to integrate the data I wrote yesterday, in my analysis of the current global geopolitical situation, with the interview of the Russian Organization "Znanie" with the...
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