Category: Invasione Ucraina

Two Belarusian helicopters reportedly violated Polish airspace

London - Polish officials reported that two Belarusian helicopters entered Polish airspace on August 1 and that Poland will increase its troop presence at the Polish-Belarusian border in response. Lukashenko also dismissed the...

Ukraine war, city of Bakhmut: photo gallery after battle

by Riccardo Cacelli London - War is always a tragedy. Here are some images showing what remains of the city of Bakhmut after months of battle.     Italy activates article 11 of its Constitution and...

L’Italia e’ in gia’ in guerra e gli italiani non lo sanno.

by Riccardo Cacelli Londra - Ieri l’Ansa (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) ha pubblicato un articolo del giornalista Lorenzo Attianese dal titolo: “La guerra dei Top Gun italiani - Un ombrello aereo tra le...

NATO more and more towards the East: towards Russia border. And will the Russians accept all this with the silence of arms?

by Riccardo Cacelli London - With a clear mind, let's analyze together some statements by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the responses given during the press...

Zelensky to arrive in Vilnius to attend NATO summit on July 12

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will arrive in Vilnius to take part in a NATO summit on Wednesday, July 12. Earlier on Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed Zelensky’s...

L’Ambasciata Russa in Italia contro la produzione di munizioni e bombe in Sardegna

by Riccardo Cacelli Londra - Mentre a Vilnius i leader mondiali dei Paesi aderenti alla Nato stanno discutendo tra loro sui tempi dell'ingresso dell'Ucraina, ieri l'Ambasciata Russa in Italia ha diramato sul proprio...

Towards Nato meeting in Vilnius: Russia: US involvement in the conflict in Ukraine

by Riccardo Cacelli London - While the US President, Joe Biden, is in London awaiting the NATO summit in Vilnius, it is right to recall the note written by the Russian Foreign Ministry...

To understand today’s events, one must know the past

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Many analysts and many international journalists have forgotten (or perhaps not known) that Putin on November 9, 1989 was a young KGB captain in Germany (Dresden) and leaving...
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