Category: Paesi Extra EU

“The Italian Show” intended for the Anglo-Saxon market

London - With the patronage of the Italian Consulate in London, "The Italian Show"  will be held on 19 September 2023, in the capital of the United Kingdom. The event is co-organised by...

New ordinary session of the London Comites

London - The new ordinary session of the London Comites will be held on Wednesday 13 September 2023 starting at 6pm (UK time), which will be in a hybrid version. It can be...

Birmingham City Council declares itself effectively bankrupt

London - The local authority, Europe's largest, has issued a Section 114 notice barring all but essential spending to protect key services. In a joint statement, the leader and deputy leader of...

London, the best vegan restaurants

by Francesca Lombardo London - London is a metropolis that is renowned for its diverse food culture, which caters to every taste and preference. If you are a vegan, you have every reason to...

Colpo di stato in Gabon

Londra - Gabon: membri dell'esercito gabonese hanno annunciato oggi di aver "posto fine al regime del Presidente Ali Bongo Ondimba mentre parlavano alla televisione nazionale. I soldati in televisione erano composti da...

Analisi del documento finale scritto dai Paesi Brics in occasione del loro XV Summit in Sud Africa

di Riccardo Cacelli City of London – La morte del capo della Wagner avvenuta il 24 agosto scorso ha occupato le prime pagine dei giornali italiani a discapito dell’analisi, secondo me importantissima, riguardante...

Analysis of BRICS countries’ 2023 summit

by Riccardo Cacelli City of London - The annual summit of the BRICS countries ended yesterday in South Africa. We analyze the decisions taken, the strategic directions and the geopolitical future in relation...

Brics to admit six new countries

by Riccardo Cacelli London - At the summit BRICS2023 the five Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have announced the admission of six new countries from next year as the...
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