London - Throughout the night The Russian army shelled Kherson and a 59-year-old woman died from an artillery shell that hit her home.
There are also injured, including some rescuers who were putting...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - Yesterday on the occasion of the next Russia-Africa summit (July 27/28 in St. Petersburg) an article by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir #Putin entitled "Russia and Africa:...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - War is always a tragedy. Here are some images showing what remains of the city of Bakhmut after months of battle.
Italy activates article 11 of its Constitution and...
by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Nei giorni scorsi a Gorno-Altajsk, capitale della piccola Repubblica Russa dell’Altaj (nel cuore dell'Asia a sud della Siberia) si e’ svolto un importante Forum euroasiatico dei giovani diplomatici.Il...
by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Ieri l’Ansa (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) ha pubblicato un articolo del giornalista Lorenzo Attianese dal titolo: “La guerra dei Top Gun italiani - Un ombrello aereo tra le...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will arrive in Vilnius to take part in a NATO summit on Wednesday, July 12.
Earlier on Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed Zelensky’s...
by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Mentre a Vilnius i leader mondiali dei Paesi aderenti alla Nato stanno discutendo tra loro sui tempi dell'ingresso dell'Ucraina, ieri l'Ambasciata Russa in Italia ha diramato sul proprio...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - While the US President, Joe Biden, is in London awaiting the NATO summit in Vilnius, it is right to recall the note written by the Russian Foreign Ministry...