London - French Toast, a new comedy adapted by Marianne Badrichani from Jean Poiret’s *Féfé de Broadway*, premiered the 7th of October at Riverside Studios and promises a witty exploration of Franco-British...
London - Netflix and Sonia Friedman Productions are excited to announce that ticket holders for STRANGER THINGS: THE FIRST SHADOW who are not currently Netflix subscribers, will be gifted a 30-day Netflix...
London - An electrifying celebration of artistry and a spectacle for the senses, MJ The Musical at the Prince Edward Theatre is an experience like no other. From the first beat to...
London - The Australian Shakespeare Company’s highly-acclaimed production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Kew Gardens offers an enchanting and unforgettable experience under the stars. This unique adaptation, set in the idyllic...
London - The UK premiere of the Tony Award®-nominated hit musical "A Night with Janis Joplin" at the Peacock Theatre was an exhilarating and inspiring event, leaving the audience electrified by the...
London - Frankie grew up immersed in her Maa’s first love: Bollywood, with its heroes who are strong, romantic, and brave. However, as an adult, Frankie works at a cinema in Milton...
London - The UK tour of Curve’s critically acclaimed production of A Chorus Line is set to dazzle audiences with its electrifying performances and emotional depth. Directed by Nikolai Foster and choreographed...
London - "The Play That Goes Wrong" is a masterful blend of comedy and theatre, creating an experience that is as chaotic as it is entertaining. Celebrating its 10th year in the...