Tag: Wagner

Morto Evgeny Prigozhin. La foto dell’aereo che brucia – The photo of Prigozhin’s plane burning.

Londra - il capo della Wagner era a bordo di un jet (Embraer Legacy 600) con dieci persone a bordo che si è schiantato in Russia tra Mosca e San Pietroburgo. In precedenza,...

Wagner, wich future: Belarus, Russia, Africa?

London - A Russian insider source claimed on August 8 that Wagner forces are conducting their first stage of withdrawal from Belarus by bussing groups of 500 to 600 personnel from Belarus...

AFRICA & CHINA (part 4 of 5): the Russia presence in Africa

by Riccardo Cacelli London - The Russian presence in Africa is significant as is the evolution of the close collaboration between Mali and Russia. Last year, Russian armaments arrived in Mali, including planes and...

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