Election retrospective


Moscow – An event not well covered by the western news-agencies is an unusual investigation lead by the well known opposition leader Alexey Navalny. The investigation is connected to a girl that entered in latex clothes in the campaign headquarters to meet with current country’s key figures.

Mr. Navalny wanted to find out who is this girls. After careful research on Instagram the girl has been found and Navalny has confirmed the assumptions. Anastasia Vashukevich had a rest on Deripaska’s yacht Elden together with the Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko.

During the stay on the yacht the girl did photos and videos of the yacht and took a photo about a speech on the US that was written down. The famous fighter for justice laid out all facts of corruption on a public inspection on Internet.

Information moves instantaneously, a large number of people have looked at those videos. Were the pages in Instagram a pretext for accusation of the famous businessman? Partially the facts of exposure of the oligarch with which Alexei Navalny operated have been taken from the book Vashukevich “The diary on seducing of the billionaire, or the Clone for the oligarch”.

Oleg Deripaska has filed an action on Anastasia Vashukevich for dissemination of information on his private life.

The photos made during the rest and also video and audio recording are shared on Instagram. There was a risk that because of dissemination of information in which appears Deripaska and Prikhodko in Russia could block access to Instagram and YouTube but this did not happen.

Active blocking of the websites with video shot by Navalny sets thinking that it is hidden by these people.

Navalny has been accused of the investigation of Deripaska in connection with Paul Manafort, which headed Donald Trump’s headquarters. Now become clearer the true reason of the international scandal. There is an assumption that it is attempt of discredit of the Russian billionaire before the British court will pronounce about his business – Norilsk Nickel. The page with reference to information, that Potanin initiated scandal over the oligarch and the prominent official has been removed.

Anastasia Galakhova

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