Oltre 130 morti in Germania per inondazioni

epa09347824 Severe damages in the village of Schuld in the district of Ahrweiler after heavy flooding of the river Ahr, in Schuld, Germany, early 16 July 2021. Large parts of Western Germany were hit by heavy, continuous rain in the night to 15 July, resulting in local flash floods that destroyed buildings and swept away cars. The number of deaths after storms in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia increased to at least 81 in the course of late 15 July. The Bad Neuenahr, Ahrweiler and Euskirchen areas were particularly hard hit, according to the police. Some of the dead have not yet been recovered, and people are still missing. EPA/SASCHA STEINBACH

Si aggrava il bilancio delle vittime del maltempo che sta devastando in questi giorni Germania, Olanda, Belgio, Lussemburgo e Svizzera. Il Paese più colpito è la Germania dove il numero delle persone morte a causa delle alluvioni è salito a 133.

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