Elisabetta festeggia i 70 anni di Regno

Red London buses pass by, as images of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II are displayed on the big digital screens at Piccadilly Circus in central London on February 6, 2022, to mark the start of Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee Year. - Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday becomes the first British monarch to reign for seven decades, in a bittersweet landmark as she also marked the 70th anniversary of her father's death. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)

Elisabetta II, la sovrana britannica, festeggia oggi il suo Giubileo di Platino: ovvero 70 anni di regno, cominciato appunto il 6 febbraio 1952 quando morì suo padre, re Giorgio VI, cui succedette la primogenita allora 25enne.

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