Draghi: “L’Italia appoggia le sanzioni alla Russia, anche su Swift”

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi attends his year-end press conference in Rome, Italy, 22 December 2021. In his speech, the Italian Prime Minister hinted that he would be inclined to accept being head of state when the position opens in January 2022, saying that his government has laid the foundation for his work to be continued regardless of who is at its helm. ANSA/Riccardo Antimiani

Il Presidente del Consiglio Mario Draghi “ha telefonato oggi al Presidente dell’Ucraina, Volodimir Zelensky, per esprimere a lui e al popolo ucraino la solidarietà e vicinanza dell’Italia di fronte all’attacco della Federazione Russa. (Ansa)

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