epa10496179 Firefighters and rescue crews work to extricate passengers from trains after a coallision near Larissa city, Greece, 01 March 2023. The two trains – a passenger train travelling from Athens to the northern city of Thessaloniki, and a cargo train from Thessaloniki to Larissa, collided head-on outside the central Greek city, Konstantinos Agorastos, the governor of the Thessaly region told local media. Sixteen people have been killed and at least 85 injured, and 250 passengers were evacuated safely to Thessaloniki on buses. EPA/APOSTOLIS DOMALIS
Coinvolti un treno merci e uno passeggeri in viaggio tra Atene e Salonicco. I vigili del fuoco hanno spiegato che tre vagoni sono deragliati presso la cittadina di Larissa. (Ansa)