London – Many European media still write and television broadcasts discuss about international situations and obsolete political ideologies.
In Italy, for example, we continually witness discussions between “Fascism and Anti-Fascism“, “Communism and Anti-Communism” and “Centre-Right Coalition against Centre-Left Coalition“.
Today the world is no longer divided with this scenario and the aforementioned ideologies now belong to history.
The world or civil, social, economic and political society is now divided between “atlantists/unipolarist” and multipolarists“.
But few in Italy talk about this. And those few are laughed at.
Italian public opinion still believes that there is a difference between Centre-Right and Centre-Left Coalitions because the dominant media only talk and write about this.
Italians don’t know what BRICS is, why it was born and what it represents, the SCO or the Asean.
And in financial terms what is the mission of the NDB.
Or what happen now in Africa.
Not to mention dedollarization, and the increasingly important role of cryptocurrencies in international exchanges.
Why isn’t anyone mainstream media talking about it?
They are silent on these topics that were born in this historical period and represent the political, social and economic future in this century for whole world.
They kept silent about what happened in Russia last March: The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.
That is the promulgation of the “Manifesto of the multipolar system” which indicates the new relations between Russia and the rest of the world.
Talking about right versus left is like talking about dinosaurs. Both are atlantists and unilatealists and oppose the multipolarists by sending arms to hot spots on the Earth, creating financial blackmail for governments that are not subject to Atlanticism.
In fact, in the Italian Parliament “Centre-Right Coalition and Centre-Left Coalition” vote together in favor of all that is Atlanticism and all that is “suggested” by the historical “partner” (USA).
Those who have not adapted to the “suggestion” have finished their political and entrepreneurial careers.
Some examples? Here they are: Craxi…Andreotti, Forlani…do you remember Sigonella? Berlusconi…. do you remember the handshake at Pratica di Mare?…Prodi…too close to China like Di Maio…the only EU Minister to sign the Silk Road agreement…and give away the t-shirt with the no. 10 of the Italian national team to the Chinese President…. And why not also Matteo Messina Denaro….
But first I want to mention: Mattei, Leone, and Moro.
So today it is a matter of deciding whether to be an Atlanticist or a multipolarist. And to do it as soon as possible because the world runs at very high speed.
But whoever has to ask Italian politicians this question is silent.
Hiding this from public opinion is not journalism, it’s something else.
But the social and economic evolution of peoples does not stop.
Go ahead and some morning public opinion will be faced with unforeseen choices and situations that it considers sudden, but which are not sudden.
Because precisely just kept hidden.
Those who hide today must assume the responsibility tomorrow of having kept silent knowing.
I conclude with a phrase from Pope Francis: “Strangely, we have never had more information than now, but we still don’t know what’s going on.“
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