Siria. Sospesa l’evacuazione di Aleppo. Bimba kamikaze a Damasco

epa05677891 Residents get into busses which are part of a convoy evacuating civilians from the eastern part of Aleppo, Syria, 15 December 2016 (issued 16 December 2016). Evacuation of civilians from the rebel-held parts of Aleppo were suspended according to news reports on 16 December 2016. Aleppo's residents have been under siege for weeks and have suffered bombardment, together with chronic food and fuel shortages. EPA/GHITH SY

Dopo un solo giorno, è stata sospesa l’evacuazione dai quartieri est di Aleppo fino a pochi giorni fa nelle mani degli insorti, dove molte persone restano abbandonate a se stesse. In un attacco a Damasco è stata usata una bimba 8 anni con una cintura-bomba.

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