Londra, Isis rivendica l’attacco. Quattro morti, tra cui attentatore di Birmingham. May: ‘Era noto a 007’. Ferite due italiane. Otto arresti in diversi raid

epa05866604 Londoners light candles as they gather for a vigil in Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, 23 March 2017. Thousands of Londoners gather in Trafalgar Square to remember the people killed in the London terror attack on 22 March 2017. Scotland Yard in Britain said on 23 March 2017 that police have made seven arrests in raids carried out over night after the terror attack in the Westminster Palace grounds and on Westminster Bridge on 22 March 2017 leaving at least four people dead, including the attacker, and 29 people injured. EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA

Londra il giorno dopo l’attentato. L’Isis ha rivendicato l’attacco, riferisce il Site che cita l’Amaq News Agency, organo di propaganda dello Stato islamico, che attribuisce l’attentato ad un “soldato del Califfato”. Si chiama Khalid Massood l’attentatore, come ha reso noto Scotland Yard. L’uomo aveva 52 anni.

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