Afghanistan: attacco dei talebani, 150 sono le vittime

epa05920498 Afghan soldiers stand guard as military ambulances enter a military base a day after it was targeted by the militants in Balkh province, Afghanistan, 22 April 2017. Accoring to latest media reports on 22 April 2017, at least 140 Afghan soldiers were killed when Taliban fighters attacked the army base in Mazar-i-Sharif on 21 April. The attack, perpetrated by as many as 10 fighters, occured as the soldiers were leaving a mosque after Friday prayers and eating dinner at the base's canteen. EPA/MUTALIB SULTANI

E’ di 150 morti e molte decine di feriti il bilancio fornito oggi dalle autorità provicnialei dell’attacco talebano alla caserma afghana nella provincia settentrionale di Balkh. “La maggior parte dei nostri soldati era impegnato nella preghiera del venerdì al momento dell’attacco”, riferisce il ministero.

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