Attentatore mosche Londra, è omicidio

epaselect epa06038625 People look over floral tributes close to the scene of the Finsbury Park terror attack in London, Britain, 20 June 2017. A man drove into pedestrians killing one person and injuring eleven others in the early hours of 19 June. The attack happened whilst a man was receiving first aid from the public after being taken ill in Seven Sisters Road. A 47-year-old man was arrested for attempted murder and taken to a south London police station where he remains in custody. He has further been arrested for the commission, preparation or instigation of terrorism including murder and attempted murder. EPA/ANDY RAIN

E’ stato dichiarato colpevole di omicidio e tentato omicidio Darren Osborne, il 48enne di Cardiff che ha investito deliberatamente in un attacco anti-islamico una decina di fedeli usciti dalla moschea di Finsbury Park, a Londra.

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