Tensione in Medio Oriente, ‘abbattuto’ un F16 israeliano

epa06510615 Israeli soldiers inspect the remains of an Israel F-16 that was crashed after get hit by Syrian anti-aircraft systems Syrian next to the northern Israeli Kibbutz of Harduf, 10 February 2018. An Israeli army spokesman said, Israeli army successfully intercepted an Iranian UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) that was launched from Syria and infiltrated Israel. In response, the army targeted Iranian targets in Syria. Israeli media reports that an Israeli F-16 warplane was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft systems and the two crew ejected and parachuted to safety in Israel with the aircraft crashing in Israeli territory near Haifa. EPA/ANCHO GOSH ISRAEL OUT

Un F16 israeliano che partecipava ad un’azione in Siria è ‘stato abbattuto dalla contraerea siriana’, secondo la tv di Damasco, mentre si trovava nel territorio di Israele.

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