Siria: Nuovi raid su Ghuta, almeno 10 morti. Onu: ‘Situazione oltre immaginazione’

epa06547071 People walk next to destroyed buildings from an alleged barrel bomb attack, at rebels-held Douma, Syria, 20 February 2018. At least seven people were killed on the same day in Douma, as all the cities of Eastern Ghouta were allegedly continuously bombed and shelled by forces loyal to the Syrian government. According to activists, more than 100 people were killed in the last two days. EPA/MOHAMMED BADRA ALTERNATIVE CROP

E’ di una decina di morti il bilancio di nuovi raid aerei governativi sulla Ghuta orientale, l’area a est di Damasco assediata dalle truppe lealiste e controllata da gruppi anti-regime. Lo riferiscono fonti mediche, citate dall’Osservatorio nazionale per i diritti umani.

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