Migranti, Unhcr: 68,5 mln in fuga 2017

epa06643206 Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) officers watch over Myanmar ethnic Rohingya Muslims, who were intercepted while travelling on a boat, as they are escorted at Kuala Kedah Jetty, in Kedah State, Malaysia, 03 April 2018. According to reports, Malaysian authorities intercepted on the day a boat carrying 56 Rohingya refugees; 19 men, 17 women, and 20 children; near Nyior Setali Island, off the island of Langkawi. The boat was said to have previously stopped at an island in southern Thailand on 01 April, with Thai authorities reportedly saying it was heading to Malaysia. EPA/STRINGER MALAYSIA OUT

Nel 2017 il numero di persone costrette a fuggire nel mondo a causa di guerre, violenze e persecuzioni ha raggiunto un nuovo record per il quinto anno consecutivo.

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