Danimarca, riaperti i ponti a Copenhagen dopo il blocco per un’operazione di polizia

A traffic jam is seen after police closed the Oresund Bridge near Copenhagen on Friday, Sept. 28, 2018. Danish police on Friday cut off the eastern island of Zealand, where the capital of Copenhagen sits, from the rest of the country as well as from neighboring Germany and Sweden due to "a major police operation." Bridges from Zealand to the central island of Funen and to neighboring Sweden have been closed down, as have ferry crossings to Germany and to Sweden. (Nils Meilvang/Ritzau Scanpix via AP)

Sono stati riaperti, dopo due ore di blocco, i ponti che collegano l’isola di Zeland, dove sorge la capitale danese Copenaghen, con l’isola centrale di Funen e con la Svezia.

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