Francia: rilasciato il sospettato per l’incendio alla cattedrale di Nantes

A French Police officer gestures as firefighters are at work to put out a fire at the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral in Nantes, western France, on July 18, 2020. - The major fire that broke out on July 18, 2020 inside the cathedral in the western French city of Nantes has now been contained, emergency services said. "It is a major fire," the emergency operations centre said, adding that crews were alerted just before 08:00 am (0600 GMT) and that 60 firefighters had been dispatched. (Photo by Sebastien SALOM-GOMIS / AFP)

Gli inquirenti francesi hanno rilasciato l’uomo interrogato per l’incendio alla cattedrale di Nantes. L’uomo è un volontario che il giorno prima del rogo era stato incaricato di chiudere a chiave la chiesa.

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