Yemen: 70 morti in combattimenti nel nord

epa09123124 Pro-Houthi forces take part in a funeral service of Houthi fighters, who were allegedly killed in the country's fierce fighting, in Sana'a, Yemen, 08 April 2021. The Houthis, which have been controlling the northern areas of Yemen since 2015, continues to intensify their attacks on the oil-rich Yemeni city of Marib and launch cross-border missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia. The US and the UN have called for the Houthis to suspend military operations, in a fresh attempt to secure a nationwide ceasefire and reinvigorate diplomatic efforts to end the war which has claimed the lives of over 233,000 people over the last six years. EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

E’ di almeno 70 morti nelle ultime 24 ore il bilancio dei violenti combattimenti tra lealisti e ribelli Huthi nella regione di Marib, ultimo bastione dei governativi nel nord dello Yemen al confine con l’Arabia Saudita. Lo riferiscono fonti lealiste (ansa)

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