Esplode vulcano Nyiragongo, migliaia in fuga

This general view taken on May 22, 2021 in Goma in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo shows flame spewing from the Nyiragongo volcano. - The famous Nyiragongo volcano, near the city of Goma, in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), suddenly became active on Saturday evening, an AFP correspondent noted. Strong emanations of glowing light coming out of the crater were visible from Goma, while a smell of sulfur was perceptible in the city, located on the southern flank of the volcano, on the shores of Lake Kivu, he noted. (Photo by Moses Sawasawa / AFP)

Il vulcano Nyiragongo, uno dei più pericolosi del mondo secondo gli esperti, è esploso a pochi chilometri da Goma, capitale del Nord Kivu nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo.

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