The American Bully XL is added to the list of banned dogs in England and Wales.


London – From next February 1, 2024, following a series of deadly attacks and being involved in numerous other high-profile attacks. against people, American Bully XLs, it will be illegal to own one unless the owner has successfully applied for an exemption.

What is the American Bully?

American Bullies originated in the United States from a cross between American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers.
Four variants are available: standard, pocket, classic and XL. The XL can weigh more than 60kg and is strong enough to overwhelm an adult. The American Bully is considered a specific breed in the United States. However, it is not recognized as such by the main English dog associations, such as the Kennel Club.

Owners will need to apply for their dog to be registered in the Exempt Dog Index. It is subject to an application fee of £92.40, to cover administrative costs. To keep an XL bully dog owners must ensure that it is microchipped, kept on a lead and muzzled at all times when in public and kept in a safe place so it cannot escape.

Owners must also have third party insurance and be considered a fit and proper person to own such a dog.

The introduction of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 saw the breeding, sale or gifting of breeds banned unless prohibited from going abroad, while dogs had to be muzzled and leashed when in public. Four other breeds are banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991: the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Japanese Tosa, the Dogo Argentinos, and the Fila Brazileiro.
The law gives the government the power to ban any breed that appears “bred for fighting or has the characteristics of a type bred for that purpose”. The police have the power to seize any prohibited dog found in a public place.

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