Facebook sfida YouTube, accordo con Universal Music

epa05011582 (FILE) A file picture dated 28 November 2013 shows a person using Facebook on his phone at a cafe in Hanoi, Vietnam. Facebook reported strong growth in earnings for the third quarter on 04 November 2015, with net profits up about 11 percent year-on-year to 896 million US dollar. The world's largest social network continued to grow in the quarter that ended 30 September, boosting advertising revenue with user traffic. Facebook said it had 1.55 billion monthly active users, including more than one billion who logged on every day - an increase of 17 percent from the same period in 2014. Advertising generates more than 90 percent of earnings for the company, based in the Menlo Park, California, and in the third quarter mobile's share of that take grew to 78 percent from 66 percent the year before. Nearly nine out of 10 daily users logged in over smartphones. The company invested 780 million US dollar in the third quarter in projects to bring billions more users online in the developing world and in work on the Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses. Zuckerberg said one of Facebook's long-term goals is to 'connect the entire world.' EPA/LUONG THAI LINH

Facebook fa il primo vero passo nel business musicale e diventa un serio rivale per YouTube. Il social da due miliardi di utenti ha stretto un accordo di licenza globale pluriennale con l’etichetta Universal Music Group, controllata dalla francese Vivendi.

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